Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons Enjoys Spicy Tempeh, Dahl At Jivamukti Cafe

Hip-Hop Action Awards Benefit Dinner

Anybody who knows Russell Simmons knows he takes to yoga and vegan food like a fish to water.

So it was no surprise when Russell Tweeted about his dining experience at the Jivamukti Cafe, located in the Jivamukti Yoga center.

“In the jivamukti cafe eating spicey tempeh salad and dahl (indian style lentil soup) jay z playing”

Jivamukti boasts it grows and harvests its own wheatgrass and sprouts in house, along with baking fresh vegan goodies.

As an example of how Jivamukti might serve home grown sprouts, they’ve included a recipe for a Sprout Bowl for you to try at home.

Grab the Sprout Bowl recipe after the jump…

  • Place a layer of mixed bean sprouts on the inside of a bowl
  • Sprinkle a layer of grated carrots on top
  • Place a handful of pea shoot sprouts upright & rooted in the middle of the mixed bean sprouts & carrots Surround the pea shoot sprouts with sunflower sprouts and 3-4 cherry tomatoes
  • Sprinkler with sunflower seeds

Serve with your favorite dressing

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