Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Alicia Silverstone “The Kind Diet” Inspiration


The Kind Diet

“I’ve been thinking about writing this book for 8 years. I kept a big file where I would put all the information I gathered (recipes, tips, etc) and it just kept growing. Over the years, I’ve been able to help friends deal with everything from ovarian cysts, to digestive & stomach issues, to irregular periods. I would send them all a packet of info and they would say to me, “This is a book!” But it wasn’t until a friend gave me the solid nudge I needed that I actually took steps toward getting it published. I finally carved out space in my life to devote to this project and I am so glad I did. I’m really looking forward to being able to share all the knowledge and tools I’ve accumulated over the years — simple and delicious ideas that will allow people to look and feel their best!”

—-Alicia Silverstone, in an interview with Crazysexylife.com, on what inspired her to write the vegan diet and health book, The Kind Diet, set for release next month.

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful: Alicia Silverstone “The Kind Diet” Inspiration”

  1. Jamie Says:

    Interestingly, she mentions all these health ailments that are helped with a vegan diet and the improvement people saw after taking it on.

    I’ve been vegetarian for more than half my life and vegan recently and I have never had any of the problems she mentioned, though I’ve known many who have.

    I’m thankful I never had to experience the “experiment” to view the change, but I’m sure people who do are really amazed.