Quantcast Vegetarian StarDr. Oz Puts Steak Loving Cowboy On 28 Day Vegan Challenge

After gathering a fan base from his appearances on the Oprah Winfrey show, Dr. Mehmet Oz, better known as Dr. Oz, has his own gig!

Today he’ll feature a steak loving cowboy who takes a 28 day vegan challenge.

A Howard Lyman wannabe?

We sure hope so.

Check out the video for a premier of what will take place on the show, and a list of TV stations in your area where Dr. Oz can be viewed.

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4 Responses to “Dr. Oz Puts Steak Loving Cowboy On 28 Day Vegan Challenge”

  1. Randy Says:

    is Dr. Oz vegan?

  2. paulette Says:

    Dr Oz is not asking everyone to become a vegan for life. He is saying to take this challenge to clean out your system. When you have done that you could slowly add in heart healthy meat and dairy.

  3. response Says:

    Here’s Dr. Oz’s:
    The Quick Magical Breakfast Blaster
    2 servings, 136 calories per serving

    1 scoop (1/3 cup) Soy protein (like Nature’s Plus Spiru-Tein)
    1/2 tablespoon flaxseed oil
    1/4 cup frozen blueberries
    1/2 large ripe banana (or other fruits of your choice)
    1/2 tablespoon apple juice concentrate or honey
    1 teaspoon Psyillium seed husks

    Peel banana; break into chunks. Put all ingredients in a blender. Add 12 ounces of water and ice, as well as powdered vitamins. Cover, blend until fairly smooth.

  4. sharr(pronounced cher) Says:

    How do i get whole 28 day vegan diet ?