Quantcast Vegetarian StarMuch Music Sarah Taylor Is Activist Minus Pam Anderson Bosom

Much Music Sarah Taylor Is Activist Minus Pam Anderson Bosom

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 16th, 2009 in Events, TV Hosts.

Much Music

Much Music

The evening at Tryst in Toronto went well, the event being a fundraiser for the animal rights group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Much Music VJ Sarah Taylor was there at the door checking people for cruel clothing like Pamela Anderson stripped potential passengers in the Cruelty Doesn’t Fly ad.

“I’m vegan. This is a cause I really believe in,” Taylor said. “I’m all about cruelty-free products.”

She was asked if she was trying to be the next Pamela Anderson.

“Looking down at my chest, I’d say no,” she replied.

Ah, boobs.

They’re not important.

What matters is that you never possess any chicken breasts.

Go Sarah!

via torontolife.com

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