Quantcast Vegetarian StarGeorges Laraque On Puppy Mills: You Think That’s Funny?

Boston Bruins v Montreal Canadiens - Game Four

Georges Laraque, hockey player for the Montreal Canadienes, sat down with the globeandmail.com for an interview where he talked about how’s he’s felt since going completely vegan June 1 2009.

A few highlights.

On watching the 2006 movie Earthlings
“It’s unconscionable what’s happening to animals in this country and the way we treat animals we eat. … I realized I had to make some big changes.”

On not buying new leather, but keeping old leather materials
“That would be a further waste. And this way I don’t forget.”

On Vegans Being Skinny
“I’ve lost some weight, but I’ve been working with a really great nutritionist and I’ve never had this much energy. I think it’s also important to break the stereotype that all vegans are skinny people with long hair.”

On Puppy Mills and him being an animal rights activist as funny
“People still think it’s kind of funny, but I’m not doing this to be funny. There are more puppy mills in Quebec than anywhere else in Canada, and no laws to shut them down. People get slapped with a fine and six months later they reopen. Do you think that’s funny?”

Damn, we love this man!

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3 Responses to “Georges Laraque On Puppy Mills: You Think That’s Funny?”

  1. misty Says:

    Oh, rock on, Georges!

    Show em what a real man thinks!

  2. Veggie XXX Says:

    Go Georges!

    You are the BEST vegan athlete role model ever.

  3. Viv Says:

    Georges going vegan publicly is one of the best things to come out of the veg/AR movement.

    Yes, he will show that being a vegan or vegetarian doesn’t have to be associated with being white, size 0, female, or non athletic.

    And from the sound of it, he means business.

    Can’t wait to watch him over the next years and see what he accomplishes.

    Keep speaking out, Georges.