Quantcast Vegetarian StarDaryl Hannah Grows Bigger Vegetarian Balls Than Al Gore

Daryl Hannah & Hilary Shepard Promote The Game Liebrary

Daryl Hannah recently spoke at the Project Green Summit that benefited the Texas Trees Foundation and the North Texas Clean Air Coalition.

Hannah, a longtime vegetarian and unlike Al Gore, is not afraid to bring up the subject of not eating meat to protect the planet.

Oooh. Did we just bust on Al Gore?

“The meat industry puts out more carbon emissions than the transportation industry,” Hannah said. “Even giving up meat for a weekend, helps.”

Hannah warned against getting off the hook with carbon offsets and offered ways people could green their life directly.

“It is less important to offset and more important to ask the question: Do I need so much stuff? We need re-evaluate our lifestyles…for our own health and our kids’ future. And we’ll save money in the long run. ”

Hannah added that you should “get the poisons out of your house,” and ensure your cleaning and cosmetic products are environmentally friendly and biodegradable.

Being a good looking environmentalist has its perks.

Daryl said that when she was recently arrested for protesting, cops asked to have their pictures taken with her.

Hope she made them promise to recycle and give up meat one day of the week.

via greenrightnow.com

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One Response to “Daryl Hannah Grows Bigger Vegetarian Balls Than Al Gore”

  1. MSN Says:

    Yeah, it is not so hard to mention cutting back on meat nor is it hard to get people interested in the environment to do so.

    Gore used a cop out and Daryl just showed him up badly.

    Hope she continues.