Quantcast Vegetarian StarEd Begley Jr. “Ed Begley Jr’s Guide To Sustainable Living”


Ed Begley Jr.‘s just published another book last month, Ed Begley Jr.’s Guide To Sustainable Living.

Complimenting Ed’s previous book, Living Like Ed: A Guide To The Eco Friendly Life, Ed offers a do it yourself guide to harvesting solar and wind power to cleaning with environmentally friendly products to gardening.

Ed’s a longtime vegetarian who has his own forum on the popular green site, treehugger.com, and has inspired many to green their life, including celebrities like Emily Deschanel.

The 352 page paperback retails for around $22.50.

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One Response to “Ed Begley Jr. “Ed Begley Jr’s Guide To Sustainable Living””

  1. Lori Says:


    Maybe there’s a section on organic gardening I could benefit from.