Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills’ Redwood Wholefood Wins Best Meat Alternative

Heather Mills’ Redwood Wholefood Wins Best Meat Alternative

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 12th, 2009 in Business, Food & Drink.


Congrats are in order to Heather Mills and the staff at her recently purchased Redwood Wholefood Company.

Redwood was recognized for creating the Best Ready to Eat Meat Alternatives at a Viva! 15th anniversary dinner party recently.

“I am very proud to accept this award from Viva! representing The Redwood Wholefood Company,” Mills said.

“We pride ourselves in offering the very best in meat-free alternatives and will continue to strive to create foods which guide consumers towards a kinder, more compassionate and low-carbon lifestyle.”

Redwood Wholefoods is based in Corby in the UK and offers a plethora of meat alternatives from beef, chicken, pork and seafood.

Will the employees of Redwood celebrate with a Cheatin’ Roast?

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One Response to “Heather Mills’ Redwood Wholefood Wins Best Meat Alternative”

  1. Mara Says:

    I look forward to the day when Redwoods makes it food available in the U.S.

    I visited the UK and was able to try some of their products-they’re great!