Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichelle Forbes On “True Blood” 2 Finale: Meat Tree Was Repulsive

SyFy / Entertainment Weekly Party

We recently learned that True Blood star Michelle Forbes has been a vegetarian for a long time-30 years!

So when it came time to film the season 2 finale of True Blood, Michelle was a little queasy about the set surroundings when it came to the “Meat Tree.”

Some bits from trueblood-online.com:

I assume you weren’t cutting into an actual human heart. Please tell me you weren’t.
Michelle: No, no. I’m not sure what it was, but we all got creeped out when I cut into it because it made the worst squishing sound in the world. The irony is that I’m a 30-year vegetarian. I’ve been an animal activist my entire life, so the role of Maryann has been a bit challenging – especially with the lovely meat tree – Di-meat-tree, as he became known.

That tree is repulsive. Tell us about it.
Michelle: It was filled with real meat and reeked as the weeks wore on. There are bobcats and coyotes roaming around that ranch where we shoot, so they had someone sit by the tree with a gun at night to protect it.

Real meat? Men willing and able to shoot and kill more animals to protect the already dead ones?

True-ly uncool, especially since fake meat props would be easy to create, as such was done with the vampire horror flick Moby starred in, Suck.

Here’s the promo for True Blood Season 2 finale, which airs September 13 on HBO at 9PM.

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One Response to “Michelle Forbes On “True Blood” 2 Finale: Meat Tree Was Repulsive”

  1. Nora Says:

    That is a waste!

    Fake meat props could have been made to look just as good, plus they wouldn’t have worried about the decay.

    That’s a stinch you couldn’t pay me to smell.