Quantcast Vegetarian StarChristina Pirello Better Sex Tips: Stick A Chili Pepper In It

Christina Pirello Better Sex Tips: Stick A Chili Pepper In It

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 9th, 2009 in Chefs, Food & Drink.


Christina Pirello is the reason why the Food Network should bring on a vegetarian cooking show.

Cause they’ll be nothing to talk about but sex, sex, and more sex.

Sorry, we’re starting to sound like PETA.

Anyways, Christina has written a lovely sexy article at the Huffington Post, listing several vegetarian foods that improve your sex life and here are a few excerpts.

Christina is the author several vegan cookbooks and attributes her recovering from cancer to switching to a plant based diet.

Chili Peppers
“Hot peppers really heat things up as we eat them, but capsaicin, the source of that heat, triggers endorphins, our sensations of pleasure, which is very, very good for very, very good sex. Chilies also stimulate the nervous system, accentuating the effects of arousal, which is very, very, very good for very, very, very good sex. Conclusion? Hot, spicy foods can lead to hot, spicy sex.”


“Chinese medicine tells us that soy relaxes and cools the body. When people are relaxed, they tend to be more open and receptive. In the bedroom, that’s good!”

“But it’s the science of soy that’s the sexy part. Soy contains phytoesterogens, hormone-like compounds that bind estrogen receptors. With soy as a regular part of your diet, vaginal lubrication is less of a problem (that’s very good…). But the best part? Studies have shown that soy can be very beneficial to prostate health, which is crucial to male sexual function.”

“Makes tofu seem a lot sexier now, I bet. Oh, and for those of you not eating soy, add some fennel to your diet for the same benefits.”

Desire more?

Visit Huffingtonpost.com for all the sex tips you’ll ever need.

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2 Responses to “Christina Pirello Better Sex Tips: Stick A Chili Pepper In It”

  1. Christina Pirello Cooking Classes Philadelphia Says:

    […] same chef who brought you better sex tips offers three different culinary programs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the United States: […]

  2. Bruce Says:

    On the show today, you mentioned how you designed food plan that your POP ate and lowerd his PSA to 0.5. What were the foods besides chili and soy?