Quantcast Vegetarian StarJohn Norris Explains His Vegan Decision To Discerning Brute

DBTV: John Norris from The Discerning Brute on Vimeo.

How can one get any work done when you’re chowing down on good food?

We’d like to ask Joshua Katcher at The Discerning Brute this question, as he sat down with MTV news reporter John Norris at the Jivamukti Yoga Cafe and School enjoying delicious food such as grilled portabello pesto with hummus pannini and and signature salads made with black beans and home grown sprouts.


Joshua and John touched on veganism and the vegan community between bites.

“Working in music, the majority of vegans I meet come at it from less an animal rights point of view than they do from a straight edge or some kind of more personal health concern,” John says.

John is a vegan both of out animal rights compassion and the belief that “we’re not as a species, worth more than any other species.”

Watch the clip for the entire interview and tell us why you chose to go vegan.

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