Quantcast Vegetarian StarJason Mraz Assistant Shuns Vegan Food, Jason Gets Nude (Video)

Raw food vegan Jason Mraz has recorded a series of videos helping to promote his Gratitude Cafe tour.

In this clip, Jason introduces us to his assistant who helps prepare some some of the delicious vegan foods Jason eat regularly.

“People have this notion that if it’s healthy, then it must taste bad,” Jason said.

“Not true,” says the assistant.

Hilarity follows when Jason leaves the room and the assistant is seen devouring what looks to be a cheeseburger.

Be sure to watch the clip below to learn where Jason gets his inspiration for songs, including in hotel rooms.

You’ll see an almost NSFW nude Jason!

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One Response to “Jason Mraz Assistant Shuns Vegan Food, Jason Gets Nude (Video)”

  1. Allie Says:

    Jason Mraz naked.

    I like.

    More posts like these, Vegetarian Star. 🙂 🙂