Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichael Vick: Time With Animal Lovers Made Me Remorse

Michael Vick second day of practice

Michael Vick has blogged at globalgrind.com, which is, ironically, a website started by vegan Russell Simmons.

In his post, Vick claims the one thing that made him remorseful for his role in dog fighting was meeting dozens of animal lovers and activists.

“Sitting in a prison cell didn’t make me feel remorse. It was meeting so many animal lovers, speaking with them and looking them in their eyes. Staring at them. Looking so deep into their eyes that I began to feel their pain. Allowing that pain to enter into my body is when I started to understand how bad it really was. I have been trying hard to connect with people who feel this pain,because for my whole life I was disconnected from the suffering of animals. And you might say, “come on Mike, how could you do those things to those dogs?” And you’re right…I ask myself those questions every day. What kind of person does this? How does a human-being treat dogs or any animal with such pain and cruelty? And the hard part for me is the answer to these questions. Because the answer is ME. And I am trying so hard right now to become a better person, because who I was, I am ashamed of.”

What do you think? Is Vick legit? Or are these fake feelings of empathy in a well pulled publicity stunt?

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One Response to “Michael Vick: Time With Animal Lovers Made Me Remorse”

  1. Richard Says:

    I don’t believe a single word that comes out of his mouth… I feel it is a publicity stunt – Shame on the Eagles for signing him…