Quantcast Vegetarian StarChrissie Hynde’s Vegiterranean Has Great Faux Chicken Sandwich

Image: Hello ChateauHo on Flickr

Who’s got the best veggie chicken sandwich?

Amy from the Veg Cooking Blog asked readers at peta.org to chime in and help her make that decision.

The responses chose restaurants in every corner of the United States, including the heart of the midwest at Chrissie Hynde’s vegan restaurant, The Vegiterranean.

The Vegiterranean features the Grilled Gardein Bruschetta Pomodoro Panini. You can tell from the name, this is no ordinary soy patty on a squished bun.

As Amy writes:
“The sandwich comes with balsamic basil marinated tomatoes and soy mozzarella and is accompanied by a grilled vegetable orzo salad.”

Wow. Sounds delish!

Others that made the cut include New York city’s Red Bamboo’s Chicken Parmesan Hero with “soy chicken with vegan mozzarella cheese, smothered in sweet basil marinara sauce and served on Italian bread.”

Hungry yet?

Visit peta.org to find out which other 8 restaurants serve the best veggie chicken sandwich.

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