Quantcast Vegetarian StarErin McKenna Expanding BabyCakes Bakery To Los Angeles

Clarke Tolsten

Clarke Tolton

All you East Coast BabyCakes vegan bakery fans, listen up!

Do you have a sister, brother, or cousin in California that keeps bugging the crap out of you to send some of those vegan, gluten-free cupcakes and cookies to their West Coast pad?

Soon you’ll be able to stop answering their phone calls and text them a little message that reads, “Get it yourself!” as owner Erin McKenna plans to expand her New York city bakery to downtown Los Angeles.

From a recent interview with vegnews.com:

VegNews: What made you choose LA?
Erin McKenna: We noticed most of our shipments were headed to Los Angeles, and realized the bakery was exactly what LA needed. [BabyCakes NYC] will be located on 6th and Main, which is downtown. We really love how eclectic it is down there—lots of creativity and diversity. Plus, the buildings are old so we feel at home.

VN: How will you split your time between the two locations?
EM: I’ll be mostly in LA for the first six months until I think the bakery is ready to lose its training wheels. I’m afraid I’m going to miss New York, but I’ll be enjoying the sunshine and laidback vibe of LA. I have my core staff already hired, but I’ll be looking for frosting boys and girls! Positive attitude is a must!

Continue reading the interiew with Erin and grab the recipe for Crush-Worthy Corn Bread at vegnews.com.

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One Response to “Erin McKenna Expanding BabyCakes Bakery To Los Angeles”

  1. Lisa J. Says:

    Sweet deal.

    I hope these expand even further across the country.

    Next stop should definitely be Chicago!