Quantcast Vegetarian StarChrissie Hynde Talks Vegiterranean Success In Meat Eating Town

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Chrissie Hynde recently interviewed with the New York Post, where she mentioned how successful her vegan restaurant, The Vegiterranean, is in her hometown of Akron, Ohio.

Located in the heart of the midwest, Chrissie couldn’t have picked a less veg friendly region-unless we’re talking about a cattle ranch town!

But two years later, The Vegiterranean is still going strong.

A few highlights from the interview:

Akron seems like a meat-eating kind of town. How has your vegan menu been received?

Everyone told me, “Don’t do it.” I had a resounding chorus of “You will go under” from all corners. But it’s been a huge success. And you’re right, it’s a real meat-eating town. I’m actually still surprised when I meet a meat eater. It makes so little sense, especially now that everybody knows the score as far as the treatment of the animals, the factory farms and the environment — not to mention the health implications. Why go to the gym every day when you can just eat right? I mean, look how gorgeous I am, and I don’t do anything.

How are people responding to what you’re doing there?

It’s funny, because yesterday I was thinking, what am I doing this for? I was feeling kind of isolated. And then I went to the restaurant, and six different groups of people walked up and said, “We’ve come in from out of town because we wanted to see the restaurant. You should put one in our city, because we really need it.” And I thought, it’s working. I was quite stunned.

Read the entire interview with Chrissie at nypost.com.

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