Quantcast Vegetarian StarShanna Moakler Regrets Ringling Brothers Circus Outing

Us Weekly Hot Hollywood - Arrivals

Shanna Moakler, ex-wife of Travis Barker and a longtime vegetarian, recently took her family to a Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus show.

However, she now regrets that decision after watching video footage on how animals are treated by handlers.

“My family and I attended the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus a couple weeks ago, and I believed—as I know many do—that the circus would treat its animals humanely. I was so deeply saddened when I saw PETA’s video showing the horrific abuse the elephants suffered at the hands of Ringling trainers. I took for granted that people were doing the right thing. I hope everyone watches the video at PETA.org. With this new knowledge, we can draw attention to this issue, make changes, and ensure that animals big and small are properly cared for. No amount of entertainment is worth allowing the torture of other living beings. We will never attend another Ringling Bros. show.”

If you’re interested in viewing the video Shanna watched, you can watch it here.

via peta.org

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