Quantcast Vegetarian StarVeg Bryce Dallas Howard To Star In Twilight Series Eclipse

Veg Bryce Dallas Howard To Star In Twilight Series Eclipse

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 31st, 2009 in Actresses, Film & TV.

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A vegetarian will play a vampire in the third installment of the Twilight series, Eclipse, but not one of the “vegetarian” vampires.

Bryce Dallas Howard has been cast as Victoria (previously played by Rachelle Lefevre), a mean-spirited vampire who’s out to get Bella.

Howard was inspired to go vegan by Joaquin Phoenix, but went back to vegetarian during her pregnancy.

Eclipse is scheduled to begin filming in August.

The Twilight films are based on a novel series by author Stephenie Meyer, and feature the Cullen family, a clan of “vegetarian” vampires who feast on animals instead of people.

One of the main characters and love interest of vegetarian vampire Edward Cullen, Bella (Kristen Stewart), is a real vegetarian who likes Gardenburgers.

via news.yahoo.com

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One Response to “Veg Bryce Dallas Howard To Star In Twilight Series Eclipse”

  1. Orem Utah Day Spa Says:

    I’m actually really surprised by this cast change. I’ve heard that she didn’t even know it was coming. In general I don’t think it’s a good thing to change actors for a role just because it messes up the flow of the movie. BUT, hopefully she does a good job, i’m sure she will.