Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Asks Barack Obama To Do Meat-Free Mondays At White House

Barack Obama Campaigns In Remaining Primary States

With all the bad publicity Barack Obama has gained in the eyes of vegetarians because of  his burger joint hopping habit, the President of the United States now has a chance to redeem himself.

People for the Ethical Treatments of Animals (PETA) has asked Obama to go vegetarian for one day of the week by participating in Meat Free Mondays.

In a letter written to the president, PETA’s president and co-founder Ingrid Newkirk illustrates how former president Harry Truman called on people to refrain from eating meat on Tuesdays and poultry on Thursdays to help save grain and feed the hungry in Europe.

Now, Obama has the opportunity to help both people and the planet by initiating a similar program at the White House.

“Sir Paul McCartney is in town this weekend and has launched an initiative called “Meat-Free Mondays” to help stave off climate change, lessen the suffering of animals, and promote a diet healthier than the artery-clogging, obesity-inducing one that is a major cause of the soaring health-care costs and worker absenteeism in this country.”

“If you institute this program in the White House, it will be a giant step forward in transforming it to a green house, and it will set a wonderful example for people nationwide-or worldwide-who look to you for leadership when it comes to a kinder, environmentally friendlier, and more health-conscious approach to life.”

Read the entire letter asking Obama to participate in Meat-Free Mondays at peta.org.

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One Response to “PETA Asks Barack Obama To Do Meat-Free Mondays At White House”

  1. James Says:

    This would be the ultimate step towards making America healthier (other than him becoming vegetarian completely) if Obama went meatless one day a week and publicized it.

    He has so much power to make the country and even the world do a complete 180 in terms of diet.

    What’s more, I think Michelle going veg at least one a week or more would have an equally if not bigger impact, given the fact the media is so mesmerized by the First Lady.