Quantcast Vegetarian StarFern Britton Wants A Vegetable Garden. Do You?

Fern Britton Wants A Vegetable Garden. Do You?

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 24th, 2009 in Gardening, TV Hosts.

Fern Britton leaving This Morning TV Studios after her last day - London

Fern Britton! You’ve just finished a 10 year run on Britain’s popular daytime TV show This Morning. What do you plan to do next?

I’m getting down and dirty in my garden!

Yes, Fern Britton doesn’t have Disney World in her plans after retiring from the ITV show that Heather Mills recently appeared on to promote her cooking skills.

But a vegetable garden sure is!

Along with learning to paint, play the piano, and speak Italian, Britton said she wants plant a vegetable garden at her Buckinghamshire home.

Michelle Obama planting arugula at the White House, The Queen of England and her leeks at Buckingham Palace…who’s next?

Is this a wonderful trend that many other well known names will follow?

There’s no better way to get back to basic, healthier ways for both your body and the planet than to grow and consume your own produce.

If you’re interested in developing a green thumb, check out these 7 Tips For Starting Your Own Vegetable Garden.

via UK Daily Mail

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One Response to “Fern Britton Wants A Vegetable Garden. Do You?”

  1. Padma Says:

    I would love to have a garden, but I live in an apartment.

    Anybody know if some plants grow well on 3rd floor balconeys?