Quantcast Vegetarian StarAna Ortiz: One Of Those Vegetarian Until Pregnant Women

Ana Ortiz: One Of Those Vegetarian Until Pregnant Women

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 23rd, 2009 in Actresses.

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Talk about news!

How is it we are just now finding out about Ana Ortiz being a vegetarian? She must be keeping mum because there are very few sources about her being one.

Sadly, we are here to report that the Ugly Betty actress, like other women we’ve reported on, gave into insatiable meat cravings during her pregnancy.

From an interview with cookiemag.com:

“During my pregnancy, it has been much more difficult [to stay vegetarian] because I have really been craving meat. So I make sure it is local, grass-fed, and healthy—as healthy as possible. Otherwise, I stick to vegetarianism.”

Ana had mentioned she wanted to bring her baby up as eco-friendly as possible and we had suggested she and baby go veg.

Hopefully, now that little Paloma Louise Lebenzon is done cooking in the oven, Ana will go back to the veg life-taking the tyke with her.

Say, does anybody know the phenomena behind those crazy meat cravings during pregnancy? Any PhDs or other researchers out there? What gives?

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3 Responses to “Ana Ortiz: One Of Those Vegetarian Until Pregnant Women”

  1. Lim Says:

    I think that’s only for women for like meat, but are abstaining for other reasons.

    If you stopped eating meat because you hate the taste, you probably will never crave it.

  2. Eran Says:

    the body craves what it needs. 5% of women crave dirt when pregnant because they are low in iron (not because they need to eat dirt) So even though women crave meat, its likely because they are not getting enough protein in their diet. Pregnant women (and nursing women) require more food than usual especially protein.

  3. Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll) Says:

    […] Ortiz (except when she’s pregnant) […]