Quantcast Vegetarian StarEd Begley Jr., Stella McCartney Offer Irresistible Green Products


Treehugger.com has written up a post titled “6 Green Celebrity Product Lines We Can’t Get Enough Of.”

Two of the product lines are produced by veggie stars Ed Begley Jr. and Stella McCartney.

Here is a description of the glass and window cleaner from Begley’s Best.com:

“Begley’s Best contains aqueous detergents and surfactants derived from natural feedstock, complexing agents and food grade certified colorant. It is certified as a biological nutrient by MBDC. ”

In addition, it says the glass cleaner “won’t streak or leave residues,” which might be a downside for you bird lovers (ever watched those commercials where the birds keep running into windows? Wait, not funny. Veg blogging social faux pas)

The all purpose cleaner contains “extracts of pine, maize, fermented sugar cane roots, and olive seeds.” Sounds like it smells heavenly.

Besides Stella McCartney’s clothing and shoe line, the vegetarian fashion designer offers CARE, a line of organic skin products that keep the parabens, petrochemicals, and artificial fragrances that send you to the allergist out.

Visit treehugger.com to find out who the other four celebrities with great green lines are.

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One Response to “Ed Begley Jr., Stella McCartney Offer Irresistible Green Products”

  1. Brent Says:

    Didn’t know Begley had his own cleaning materials.

    I wonder if these are also available at Whole Foods and places like that.