Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrad Pitt Chides Angelina Jolie About Feeding Kids Meat

Brad Pitt Chides Angelina Jolie About Feeding Kids Meat

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 20th, 2009 in Actors, Actresses, Children, Couples.

RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie at the Inglourious Basterds premiere at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival

Is the happy couple Brangelina experiencing a rift over the dinner table?

According to the UK Daily Mail, Brad Pitt wants partner and mother of his children, Angelina Jolie, to stop feeding the children meat.

A source said, “Brad hates seeing the children eating meat and he’s annoyed with how much red meat Angelina has.”

The source added that Brad wants the family to go vegetarian, but Angelina says that will never happen.

Uh-oh. Nothing like trouble in what would otherwise be paradise.

What do you guys think? Will the Brangelina fam go veg?

Are you living in a mixed meal household that frequently has arguments over how much meat the omnivores are eating?

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6 Responses to “Brad Pitt Chides Angelina Jolie About Feeding Kids Meat”

  1. Nick Says:

    Kids should eat meat, they need the proteins etc. Brad should back off and let the kids decide on their own when they are old enough to do so.

  2. Nuri Says:

    That’s a dumb tabloid story, Brad’s not a vegatarian.

    Here’s a short interview, you can clearly see that he’s eating meat

    Jamie talks to his Hollywood superstar mate and discovers, BBQs aside, neither he nor his missus are much cop in the kitchen.

    Jamie: Hi mate, Jamie here. I’m just on my way to New Orleans, do you have any great places you like that I should try out? Where’s the best gumbo in town?
    Brad: Drago’s for charbroiled oysters; Arnaud’s for shrimp remoulade (aka Shrimp Arnaud); Irene’s crab gratin appetiser and any fish – they do a great lamb chop as well. And for the best gumbo, just stop by anyone’s home.
    J: Do you like to cook? Are you any good?
    B: I can rock a Sunday BBQ but that’s as far as my culinary talents go.

    J: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
    B: I’ve eaten crickets in Cambodia, sea urchins in France, goat in Ethiopia and Rocky Mountain oysters (balls) in Montana. Angie and I made crocodile curry from a can.

    J: What food do you really hate?
    B: Salmon.
    J: Roast or friend chicken?
    B: I’ve moved up to roast, except when I’m back in the south.

    J: Steak – rare, medium or well done?
    B: Though it sounds indecisive, medium rare. I’m certain of this.

  3. Psychonaut Says:

    @ Nick:
    “Kids should eat meat, they need the proteins etc. ”

    Why? There are more than enough proteins in plant sources. Nobody needs to eat meat. It is proven that eating vegetarian is healthy and helps preventing several illnesses.

  4. Kitty Says:


    you need to refresh on those health & nutrition classes. Kids by no means do need meat to grow up healthy. They can easily get enough protein and essential amino acids from plant sources.
    If you don’t believe me, see what the ADA has to say about it:

  5. Siouxsie Sway Says:

    @ Nick – nope, children do not have to eat meat! you can get enough protein from a veggie-lifestyle, for sure!

  6. sachin Says:

    Disappointed To See That Brad Pitt Is Not Vegetarian