Quantcast Vegetarian StarSlice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 18th, 2009 in Actresses, Birthdays.

Vogues 1 Year Anniversary Party For 3.1 Phillip Lims LA Store - Inside

A big slice of vegan birthday cake goes out to the following vegetarian or vegan celebrities today.

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One Response to “Slice Of Vegan Celebrity Birthday Cake To (Drum Roll)”

  1. Taj Says:

    She looks great!

    It’s so inspiring to see gorgeous successful woman going into their 30s like myself.

    Not that I’m saying I’m as gorgeous like Kristen 🙂

    It’s just inspiring to see woman like her as I enter that decade 🙂