Quantcast Vegetarian StarOwain Yeoman, Veg Celebs Give Funniest Meat Eater Comments

BAFTA/LAs 2nd Annual British Comedy Festival

What’s the most ridiculous thing an omnivore ever asked you? Was it the “do you eat chicken?” question?

Philstar.com has compiled some information on several vegetarian celebrities, including why they went veg, favorite restaurants, frustrating moments as a vegetarian, etc.

Owain Yeoman, Geneva Cruz, Yasmien Kurdi, and Pamela Anderson are all profiled.

Here are a few highlights from the “Funniest Thing Ever Said To Me By Meat Eaters” question:

Owain Yeoman
“Someone once asked me if I wasn’t concerned that vegetarianism will “stunt my growth” and at 6’4” and 190 pounds, the last thing I am worried about is my growth being stunted!”

Pamela Anderson
“It’s pretty funny when a meat eater tells me that he or she is an environmentalist. The meat trade is the number one cause of global warming!”

Geneva Cruz
““WHY?!!!!” My answer is “Why not?!!” There.”

Yasmien Kurdi
“I can’t think of anything specific, but what I’ve told meat eaters is if they want to contract swine flu, bird flu, and all those other animal-borne diseases — or if they want to die an early death — then they should eat meat! Hahaha! I know it’s a bit harsh, but I like to be direct when talking about animal issues and I think this makes meat eaters seriously rethink their diet … though outwardly we laugh about it.”

Read other celebrity vegetarian confessions at philstar.com.

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One Response to “Owain Yeoman, Veg Celebs Give Funniest Meat Eater Comments”

  1. Taj Says:

    I once had a guy (an educated lawyer, by the way) who said he thought vegetarian just meant you eat only vegetables, but more of them to get enough protein.

    Ha. 🙂 🙂