Quantcast Vegetarian StarCloris Leachman Shows Off Vegetarian Body In In Touch Weekly

Cloris Leachman Shows Off Vegetarian Body In In Touch Weekly

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 17th, 2009 in Actresses.


So if you’re really wild and crazy and wanna pose in lettuce leaves or a bathing suit like Cloris Leachman when you’re in your 80s, how do you start planning now to look as good as she does?

Go vegetarian, of course!

Leachman appears in the most recent issue of In Touch Weekly showing off her swimsuit bod and talking about her healthy diet.

“It’s from making the right decisions,” Leachman said. “I always wanted to be healthy and look good. I taught myself in my mid thirties about eating right. I actually became a vegetarian at 35. Eating right really is the secret.”

You heard it here, folks. Listen to your elders.

Read more tidbits of Cloris’s interview at huffingtonpost.com or pick up the latest copy of In Touch Weekly.

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