Quantcast Vegetarian StarBruno Not Anti Hummus: Sasha Baron Cohen’s Middle East Visit

Bruno: The Movie Australian Premiere

Sasha Baron Cohen’s Bruno features a scene where the old standby vegetarian dish of hummus and pita becomes part of a joke.

Bruno interviews Yossi Alpher, a former Israeli Mossad officer, and Ghassan Khatib, a former Palestinian Cabinet minister during his visit to what he calls, “Middle Earth,” that is intended to make peace.

“Why are you so anti-Hamas?” Bruno asks. “I mean, isn’t pita bread the real enemy here?”

“You think there is a relation between Hamas and Hummus?” Khatib asks.

“Hummus has nothing to do with Hamas,” Alpher responds “It’s a food. We eat it, they eat it.”

“It’s vegetarian, it’s healthy, it’s beans,” Khatib says.

While the vegetarian scene may be humorous, other antics Bruno does in the Middle East, or “Middle Earth,” has already launched a lawsuit from a former member of a militant group who alleges one of Bruno’s jokes about terrorists activity could land him in hot water by both Palestinians and Israeli’s.

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One Response to “Bruno Not Anti Hummus: Sasha Baron Cohen’s Middle East Visit”

  1. Elena Says:


    Yeah, I’m sure Bruno will have its share of lawsuits.

    Seriously, Sasha Baron Cohen should think more before doing some of those stunts. It’s absolutely true that he could put some people in danger because of customs/laws in other countries.

    It’s all about responsible pranks, ya know?

    But, yes, I’m pro-hummus, if you’re wondering.