Quantcast Vegetarian StarGirl In A Coma Ate Veg On The Road With Joan Jett, Morrissey

Girl In A Coma Ate Veg On The Road With Joan Jett, Morrissey

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 16th, 2009 in Bands.


Since when has the world experienced a new female rock phenomena?

Chrissie Hynde? Poly Styrene? Joan Jett and the Blackhearts? Kathleen Hanna and Bikini Kill?

Girl in a Coma may be the next grrrls to rock our world!

The all vegetarian rock band from San Antonio, Texas is signed to Joan Jett’s record label, Blackheart Records, and has toured with both Joan and Morrissey.

Bet the catering situation for both tours wasn’t too hard to figure out!

You can catch Girl in a Coma in San Fransisco tonight at 9PM at Bottom of the Hill.

In the meantime, here’s a bit from a chat they had with San Fransisco Music Examiner Jamie Freedman.

On touring with Morrissey:
Other than super awesome? It was surreal. We idolize Moz (Morrissey’s nickname from the fans). The tour taught us a lot about how to open for a larger band, it was like Moz boot camp. We were really intimidated since his fans tend to be really intelligent about music. We also got to eat some really kickass vegetarian food.

On politics:
It just so happens that we have a lot to stand for: we are vegetarians, we are a band with two lesbians, we stand up for things, we are happy to help out and we are happy to ask for help when we need it.

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One Response to “Girl In A Coma Ate Veg On The Road With Joan Jett, Morrissey”

  1. Taya Says:

    Since they admire Morrissey so much, I wonder if they took their name from his “Girlfriend in a coma” song?