Quantcast Vegetarian StarWoody Harrelson Protests Use Of Cats At Texas Tech Health Center

59th Berlin Film Festival - The Messenger Photocall

And you thought St. Louis Children’s Hospital was the only facility still living in the dark ages.

Woody Harrelson is denouncing Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center for using cats to practice the same types of life support procedures St. Louis does that are used on infants and children.

Vegan and raw foodie Harrelson took a moment to write to Dr. John Baldwin, president of the center, pointing out that not only is the use of cats cruel, but both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Heart Association endorse the use of manikins that represent the human anatomy more realistically.

“As a native Texan, I was shocked to learn from my friends at PETA that Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center has been purchasing cats from a nearby animal shelter and using them for cruel medical training exercises. Cats used for the experiments have plastic tubes forced down their throats and needles stabbed into their chests and are then killed.”

“Animal shelters are supposed to be places of refuge for animals. I and countless others around the state are deeply discouraged to learn that Texas Tech is taking advantage of the tragic abundance of abandoned animals. Unwanted animals should at least be given a quick and painless death—and they definitely should not be tortured in a laboratory.”

Continue reading Woodie’s letter at blog.peta.org.uk.

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