Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichael Jackson Ate So Many Carrots, His Skin Turned Orange

Michael Jackson Ate So Many Carrots, His Skin Turned Orange

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 15th, 2009 in Male Singers.

2006 MTV Video Music Awards Japan - Arrivals

A lot of talk took place about Michael Jackson’s skin color, which gradually lightened over the years due to a condition he had known as vitiligo.

But not much was said about MJ turning orange!

Michael’s brother Tito says at one time Michael ate so many carrots, his skin turned orange.

Yep, a little condition known as Carotenemia happens when you ingest too many carotene containing vegetables like carrots and blood levels of carotene become elevated, making you look like, well, a carrot.

So how much do you have to eat to get that “carotene” glow?

We couldn’t find an exact answer, but it probably depends on body weight and the rest of your diet.

One seven incher (ahem, a carrot that is) contains 2025 RE of vitamin A, which is 203% of your Daily Value, according to dietitian.com. So you can imagine what munching on several carrots a day or eating a entire bag might do. One pound of carrots has 1276% of your RDA for vitamin A.

Since carrots contain so much vitamin A, you should go easy on them anyway and seek help if you’re a carrot-holic. Vitamin A is fat soluble, and unlike water soluble vitamins like C, your body can’t get rid of the excess just by tinkling, or urinating for you hard core “please use proper medical terminology” fans.

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