Quantcast Vegetarian StarComedian Carol Leifer And PSA For Veganism

Comedian Carol Leifer And PSA For Veganism

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 15th, 2009 in Comedians, Videos.

Last week we told you Carol Leifer had recorded a hilarious PSA for veganism in which she explained that she needed to be in an even more smaller minority group than being Jewish and lesbian-now she’s Jewish, lesbian, and vegan.

Watch the clip to see the author of When You Lie About Your Age, the Terrorists Win say she lost nothing but 20 pounds once she got rid of all the meat, eggs, and dairy from her diet.

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One Response to “Comedian Carol Leifer And PSA For Veganism”

  1. Angela Says:

    Huh? What happened to the Bif Naked article? I posted it all over my Facebook… 🙁