Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegans Alanis Morissette, Woody Harrelson Create Recycled Reco Jeans

**Exclusive** Alanis Morissette jogging with a friend in Brentwood

When Alanis Morissette went vegan, she lost 20 pounds, some of which, must have been on her bum.

Now, she’s teamed up with Woody Harrelson to bring everyone demin jeans that not only look good on the bum, but on the environment as well.

Reco Jeans are made with 50% recycled denim.

The jeans are history makers, as Reco is the only company that has provided jeans with a recycled content this high.

Reco Jeans is offering 300 limited edition boxed sets that include a Reco ipod that potential customers like you have the opportunity to bid on the price in a Dutch auction bid that ends July 18.

The Dutch auction bid prices will also play a factor in determining the price of the regularly offered jeans later.

Bid here and bid now!

via inhabitat.com

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