Quantcast Vegetarian StarNatalie Portman Making Guest Appearance On Bravo’s Top Chef

2009 White House Correspondents Association Dinner

Natalie Portman will be making a special guest appearance on Bravo’s Top Chef in the upcoming season six, which premiers Wednesday, August 26th at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

Since Nat is a hard core vegan, the cheftestants will probably be given the challenge of whipping up something meatless, eggless, and dairyless for the actress.

Top Chef had a vegan experience last year, when the Food Fighters were invited during the Thanksgiving episode and requested the chefs cater for their crew of 60 people, some of which were vegetarian.

The vegan cornbread stole the show last year. Will another veg dish be a big hit?

Crossing our fingers none of the cheftestants “chicken” out like last year’s Carla and go with a meaty dish when they really wanted to make a vegetarian one.

via Ecorazzi.com

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