Quantcast Vegetarian StarSarah McLachlan On Seal Hunting: Perverse And Sick


Sarah McLachlan was recently interviewed by Canada CTV news while she was scheduled to perform for the Canada Day festivities.

Sarah had a few choice words to say about the seal hunting industry.

“The commercial sealing industry in Canada is perverse and sick. … They club these seals as early as 12 days old, and half the time they hook them and they drag them across the ice. … It’s archaic, and it’s horrible, and I want it to stop.”

Fashion alert: Notice the baby seal on Sarah’s shirt. This woman knows how to make a statement.

When asked what she thought of Canada’s Governor General Michaelle Jean killing a seal and then eating its raw heart, she expressed interest in having a “talk” with her about it.

Follow this link to watch the video of Sarah being interviewed by Canada CTV News on her views about the seal hunt.

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One Response to “Sarah McLachlan On Seal Hunting: Perverse And Sick”

  1. lilly Says:

    u tell ’em sarah