Sarah McLachlan On Seal Hunting: Perverse And Sick
Written by Vegetarian Star on July 2nd, 2009 in Animal Issues, Female Musicians, Female Singers, Videos.
Sarah McLachlan was recently interviewed by Canada CTV news while she was scheduled to perform for the Canada Day festivities.
Sarah had a few choice words to say about the seal hunting industry.
“The commercial sealing industry in Canada is perverse and sick. … They club these seals as early as 12 days old, and half the time they hook them and they drag them across the ice. … It’s archaic, and it’s horrible, and I want it to stop.”
Fashion alert: Notice the baby seal on Sarah’s shirt. This woman knows how to make a statement.
When asked what she thought of Canada’s Governor General Michaelle Jean killing a seal and then eating its raw heart, she expressed interest in having a “talk” with her about it.
Follow this link to watch the video of Sarah being interviewed by Canada CTV News on her views about the seal hunt.
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September 18th, 2009 at 1:29 pm
u tell ’em sarah