Quantcast Vegetarian StarDaryl Hannah, Ed Begley Jr. Have Fabulously Green Homes

Daryl Hannah - who was arrested and cautioned in West Virginia this week - at Andas in West Hollywood for 944 Magazines 10th anniversary party

Treehugger.com has compiled their list of celebrities with the best green homes and two vegetarian stars, Daryl Hannah and Ed Begley Jr. are on the list.

If you have the privilege of visiting Daryl, you might chill on her moss covered stone that doubles as a couch in her almost entirely solar powered home.

And if you think Daryl’s moss couch is wild, Ed Begley Jr. gets really crazy with a white picket fence made from recycled milk jugs!

Have lunch with Ed with food cooked from his solar powered oven which sits outdoors and be sure to check out his rain water barrels while (hopefully) someone else is doing the cooking.

For the complete list of celebrities with fabulously green homes, visit treehugger.com.

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