Quantcast Vegetarian StarLeona Lewis, Eastenders’ Scott Maslen Voted PETA’s Sexiest

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Leona Lewis has once again, topped the charts in the PETA Europe division of Sexiest Vegetarian, along with Scott Maslen from the Eastenders in the male category.

Leona was chosen as last year’s winner, and definitely hasn’t been resting on her laurels.

The singer is working on her own vegan shoe and handbag line, as well as a cruelty-free perfume.

“I am vegetarian so I don’t have clothes, shoes or bags made from leather or suede or any animal products. … I’m on a mission,” she said.

Actor Scott Maslen loves making a veggie spaghetti without the meatballs.

“My favourite dish is vegetarian spaghetti Bolognese,” he said. “I make it with meat substitute, it’s delicious”.

Sadly in life, there are winners and losers. Although everybody loves Leona and Scott, somebody’s favorite surely was defeated.

Which veg celeb were you rooting for?

Since Leona took it two years in a row, should there be politician term limits to let somebody else have the title in the future?

via peta.org.uk

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One Response to “Leona Lewis, Eastenders’ Scott Maslen Voted PETA’s Sexiest”

  1. Barbara Smith Says:

    Scott Maslen is an angler
    How can he be a vegetarian icon?