Quantcast Vegetarian StarShot Of Furless Tila Tequila: Hot Girls Fake It For The Animals

Toglenn on Wikimedia Commons

Toglenn on Wikimedia Commons

Is Tila Tequila a bit narcissistic? She openly called herself “hot” on globalgrind.com.

Well, if you know you got it, admit it! Not only is she hot, she’s got a warm heart for animals, and has taken the opportunity to discourage people from wearing fur.

“I don’t know who those people are that have it in their hearts to skin an animal while it is still alive but I hope that by promoting fur alternatives I’m doing my part to stop that needless suffering. You will never see me wearing a fur and if you do, rest assured its FAKE. If you love animals you cannot justify wearing them. Its that simple. Remember, hot girls fake it…for the animals. I should know, cause I’m hot. Lol.”

Tila posted a video about what goes on in fur factories that has generated TONS of comments.

This gal who has appeared in Stuff, Maxim, Time, and Penthouse definitely knows how to light up the room. And not just because she looks good.

Read what else Tequila has to say and view a pic of her cuddling up with a cute four legged friend at globalgrind.com.

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One Response to “Shot Of Furless Tila Tequila: Hot Girls Fake It For The Animals”

  1. Tila Tequila Shops For Meat, Shows Some Meat Says:

    […] already passionate about not wearing fur, as was evident in her column for Global Grind, Hot Girls Fake It For The Animals. Tila […]