Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlice Walker Supports A Would Be Vegetarian: “La Vaca (The Cow)”

Alice Walker: In Support of Vegetarians, “La Vaca (The Cow)”More related videos from Asterpix

Poet Alice Walker said she’s glad she doesn’t like to eat cows since she grew up on a dairy farm and grew to love every feature of them, including “their smell,” which she jokingly says is because “they’re vegetarian and that helps.”

One of Alice’s friends wanted to stop eating meat, but found it hard because it seemed foreign given the fact he grew up around so much meat eating. Alice wrote the poem “La Vaca (The Cow),” to help him understand what vegetarian meant from the cow’s point of view.

“Look into her eyes…And know…that she does not think of herself as steak,” the poem goes.

Watch Alice tell her story and recite the poem to a crowd at Emory University.

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