Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons Trades Vegan Lobster For Pasta At Teatro Goldini

Children Uniting Nations 4th Annual National Conference

If school officials need to do anything about the curriculum, they should include more nutrition classes!

Specifically, students should spend an entire semester learning what constitutes vegetarian, vegan, and whatever else in between. Because not knowing is just as bad as not picking out the largest continent on the map!

Russell Simmons recently attended a dinner while taking care of business for his Children Uniting Nations (CUN), a nonprofit for at-risk and foster youth in partnership with his Hip Hop Summit Action Network.

When a publicist found out Simmons was vegan, she stated, “Well, he can eat the lobster.”

Uh, heck no, those lobsters don’t grow in the ground!

It’s understandable not to expect non vegs to know how to make nacho cheese with nutritional yeast, but if it moves in a tank and pinches you when you tick it off, how can you not know that’s not vegan?

Simmons eventually got a vegetable pasta entree prepared for him at Teatro Goldini, but he still had to bend his veganism a little to keep from starving.

“I don’t normally eat pasta because it comes from eggs, but sometimes you have to.”

Yeah, especially when the only other vegan option is lobster.

via washingtontimes.com

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