Quantcast Vegetarian StarShampoo Commercial Made Geneva Cruz Go Veg

Shampoo Commercial Made Geneva Cruz Go Veg

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 8th, 2009 in Actresses, Female Singers.


Geneva Cruz is Philippine’s Sexiest Vegetarian. PETA says so.

Of course, don’t take PETA’s word for it. Maxim agrees too, as this lady graced the cover not long ago.

What makes Geneva so beautiful inside and out is her love for animals. A vegetarian since 15 who’s now a vegan, Geneva made the switch after filming a shampoo commercial where she interacted with animals.

“We were at a place in Palawan where the animals could roam free! Free! And all I had to so was to feed one of them and say ‘Natural!’ We’d repeat that for each take,” Geneva said.

“I think you help save a lot of lives if you are a vegetarian. For me, a vegan diet is not about dieting, it’s about loving all living things,” she added.

via pep.ph

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