Quantcast Vegetarian StarHeather Mills Vegan Meals At V-Bites Will Taste Like Meat

Heather Mills Hosts Healthy Meal Cook-A-Thon with students in The Bronx

Heather Mills‘ vegan restaurant in the UK, V-Bites, is set to open next month and Heather’s been running her vegan butt off trying to get everything ready, especially the menu.

Heather says one thing that might surprise meat eaters is that the substitute meats she’ll be cooking and serving at V-Bites will taste just like the real deal.

“What is definitely going to shock people is the meat replacements,” she told Metro. “They have a real meat taste to them.”

Fake meats come in handy for those who went veg for reasons other than disliking the taste of meat.

And there’s certainly no shortage of varieties to choose from: fake turkey, chicken, bacon, even gourmet creations like faux chicken cordon blue.

What’s your favorite fake meat?

via nowmagazine.co.uk

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One Response to “Heather Mills Vegan Meals At V-Bites Will Taste Like Meat”

  1. Natasha Says:

    I really love ground round ( fake ground beef)by Yves. The Italian flavor is really good!