Quantcast Vegetarian StarWhale Wars Sneak Preview

Whale Wars Sneak Preview

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 31st, 2009 in Animal Issues, Misc Artists and Performers, Reality TV, Videos.

Paul Watson and his crew are at it again for another season!

The eco-pirate Animal Planet show Whale Wars is a portrayal of Watson and his shipmates attempting to stop Japanese Whalers from killing whales.

Whaling is normally illegal, the but whalers claim they are capturing the creatures for research purposes. 

Watson’s got a nice record. The whalers have consistently failed to make their “quota” of captured whales since Watson’s Steve Irwin boat has sailed the seas.

This season, actress Daryl Hannah came along for the ride. Will there be another guest celebrity this year? You’ll have to tune in and find out!

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