Quantcast Vegetarian StarTreehugger.com Founder Graham Hill Is A Weekday Vegetarian

kentgoldman on Flickr

kentgoldman on Flickr

Those of you who follow the religious sect known as treehugger.com know Graham Hill is the smart, environment lovin’ chap who founded the website for all the latest green news and information.

Although Graham isn’t a complete vegetarian, he flexes and calls himself a “weekday vegetarian,”-saving the bacon for Sunday brunch.

Eating vegetarian at least during the week is just one of the ways Graham recommends going greener.

He also shops at his local farmers’ market and buys organic produce.

And don’t worry, you big city dwellers, who think because you’re living the fast paced life, you’re being too rough on the planet.

Graham thinks cities are greener because more people use public transportation or bike and apartments are smaller, so there’s less room to fill up with useless junk. Plus, there’s a plethora of organic shops to frequent on every corner.

“You can find some weird vegan bakery, if you want to,” Hill said.

Before you run off to locate that vegan bakery with weirdos, read the rest of Graham’s feature story at the observer.com.

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3 Responses to “Treehugger.com Founder Graham Hill Is A Weekday Vegetarian”

  1. Jay Says:

    Excuse me, Mr. Graham Treehugger, did you just call us vegans weirdos? I think there was a little bit of smart alecky insult in that comment. 🙂

  2. Graham Hill Says:

    I have the utmost respect for vegans. It’s not the easiest thing to be/do and as such vegans are largely doing it because they know it’s simply the right thing to do. If we all were like this on multiple levels, the world would be in a much much better place. Go vegan! Praise Seitan! 🙂

  3. Allie Says:

    Had no idea Graham Hill was so cute. He’s probably married too, like the other good looking veg (or weekday veg?) men I find out about on here. 🙁