Quantcast Vegetarian StarNellie McKay Interview: Proud Pit Bull Parent Wants Her Vegan Pizza

5th Annual Jammy Jam Awards

Nellie McKay is basking in the glory of being a mom these days. Best of all, she didn’t go through hours of labor to take the credit. She simply went to her local shelter and adopted a pit bull named Bess, who she was walking during our exclusive interview with her. 

On her new bundle of joy
Her name is Bess. I’m on an email list that lets you know when animals are about to be put down at the local shelter. I never took in an animal because I travel so much. It didn’t seem fair to them and it seemed kind of impossible for me. But I just couldn’t say no to her. They had pictures of her still lactating. She had just given birth. They [former owners] had taken her puppies and dumped her. She was a throw away mom.

At first she pretended like she didn’t know how to sit. It turns out she just needed the incentive of a treat. She was pretending and she knew all along. She’s the greatest thing that ever happened. She’s the light of my life. She makes life worth living.

On the Obamas not choosing a shelter dog
I think he definitely made the wrong decision. The pressure should be on them for the next animal they get. All this pure-breed stuff…We should all be going after mutts. There are hypoallergenic mutts as well as breeds. We have to get rid of the whole breed mentality. It’s animal racism. Just don’t go for it.

It isn’t hard. The hypoallergenic dogs are available as we speak. The Humane Society and other animal rescue groups offered to help with that search. And the argument that it’s a personal decision-well, so is meat eating but it hurts others.

This seems like something that could have helped so many animals. It could have drawn attention to the plight of so many animals in shelters. They are so influential. It could have saved so many lives and made so many lives better for animals that are just languishing there waiting to be seen, let alone be adopted. I’m disappointed and I just hope that their second dog or cat they will get from a shelter.

Learn why Nellie loves Kevin Eubanks after the jump…

Vegan items she’d like to see created
I would love vegan Doritos and Cheetos. I would also have vegan pizza that you could buy at the health food store that didn’t have casein in it. Currently, you have to make it yourself and c’mon, there are vegans that don’t like to cook. You want something you can microwave. And vegan shoes that are comfortable 1940s wedges. Because all the vegan shoes are high heels. So I would like specialty retro lines that are attractive shoes that you can really walk in.

Veg celebrity she admires
I love Kevin Eubanks. For his musicianship and…other reasons.

When you say other reasons, does this have anything to do with him being an attractive male? Note: This question elicited loads of giggles from Nellie. But she insisted his musicianship was the main factor…:)

On her decision to go veg
My mother read Animal Liberation. She found a copy from the Salvation Army. She put off reading it awhile because she had a feeling it was going to require some inconvenient changes. But once she did read it, she couldn’t go back. So I was lucky enough to have a mother and a father [who were vegetarian], once she introduced him to it, which was supportive. I know of vegetarian kids who try to do it without the support of their family.

On her mother’s active role in her career (actress Robin Pappas, who served as executive producer for her second album, Pretty Little Head)
It’s terrific. You’ve got someone looking out for you. I think it’s not so nice for her. I think when I moved out she kind of thought, she could have her life back. When we go on tour, are we just talking about business things? Of course not. It is about time that I be more self-reliant, but it’s just so tempting because it’s someone that has that endless understanding. She’s fantastic in terms of the art, because she knows so much and she’s so hungry for knowledge, hungrier than I am. She’s always reading, watching, looking to make things better, when I’m always looking for the easier way out.

Food Voyeurism
A lot of potato chips (laughing). Bessie keeps eating her vegan dog food, which I’m not sure she’s that thrilled by. Chocolate chip cookie dough soy ice cream. I [also] like soy grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup.

Sounds like mom’s still doing a good job. So cool that Nellie has a vegan doggie. Hopefully, Bess has found the vegan dog food more appealing.

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4 Responses to “Nellie McKay Interview: Proud Pit Bull Parent Wants Her Vegan Pizza”

  1. Tracie Says:

    They sorta already have vegan Doritos & Cheetos: Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos & Tings 🙂

  2. Brent Says:

    Nice interview. She couldn’t have said it better about mutts vs. breeds. No more animal racism. Way to go Nellie!

  3. Charlize Theron Fights Pet Breedism Says:

    […] Nellie McKay told us last month during our interview with her that people need to forget the breeds and go for the […]

  4. Hopkins Says:

    I function with these dogs and as far as animal behavior goes, I am a firm believer in nurture and coaching. I have met Jack Russell Terriers that I would not go near once again, but have for no reason had a poor encounter with an American Staffordshire Terrier. If you are talking about their owners- well, that’s a several story. People are creatures as nicely, and we have a tendency to every have our individual concepts about “moral concepts”.