Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Recommends Farmers’ Markets For Cheap Veg Eating

2009 Heart Of Green Awards

Emily Deschanel is not the only vegan actress to enjoy her local farmers’ market.

Alicia Silverstone recently interviewed with Glamour Magazine where she answers some questions about her vegan diet and lifestyle.

It’s no secret that fresh, organic produce and other staples of a vegetarian or vegan diet aren’t always cheap. Alicia gave some tips for making the transition easier on your pocketbook.

“The best way to save money is to go to a Farmer’s Market. Buy seasonal produce [that is grown locally]. It’s really, really cheap. I spend anywhere from $40 to $60 a week on produce. And that feeds my husband, my dogs, and me. My other grocery bill is a little bit more expensive, but that’s because I like making decadent desserts.”

“I would say to people who are concerned: I don’t go to the doctor; I don’t buy any prescriptions, antacids, or birth control. I don’t suffer from any illnesses. Consider it an investment for your health. And save money on other things. I look to eBay or Craigslist for deals on things to save money. Also, buy what you can in bulk.”

Read the rest of Alicia’s interview at Glamour.com.

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One Response to “Alicia Silverstone Recommends Farmers’ Markets For Cheap Veg Eating”

  1. Bargain Veggie Gal Says:

    Yes the farmers market is a good place. I’d also recommend Trader Joes if there’s one in your city.

    Since they don’t do any advertising (except the flyers), you can get produce (and other groceries) anywhere from 50 cents to 2 dollars cheaper than you would at regular stores.