Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson Getting RAW With Her Own Fragrance Line

Pamela Anderson at the Millionaire Fair in Amsterdam

Pamela Anderson has been running and hitting the pavement at full speed lately.

She recently collaborated with Richie Rich to develop a cruelty-free clothing and shoe line, Muse. She hinted (if even humorously) at a cooking television show where women make vegetarian food in bikinis.

Now, she’s coming out with her own brand of fragrance.

From her blog, Pammie writes:

“Finally a company with a heart—so glad we found each other- a company in Florida looks promising- I have developed a line of natural body fragrances and have more products to come- first fragrance is Raw by pamela…company is called pamela- super enviro-conscious, cruelty free- yummy-natural- very sexy fragrance I wear every day- will be available this summer—department stores, drug stores, affordable choices- I want to sell where I shop— nothing too fancy— Keep the Country COUNTRY!”

How cool it will be to get inexpensive, vegan fragrances at the local drug or grocery store!

But she’s not done yet. There’s also talk of a beauty drink under the same RAW brand, which stands for “Real Activist Wild.”

Go Pamela!

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3 Responses to “Pamela Anderson Getting RAW With Her Own Fragrance Line”

  1. Natasha Says:

    That would be so cool! I can’t wait! I’m dying for cruelty free products at my local drugstore! I can hardly find any as it is .

  2. The Green Quote: Pamela Anderson Designs Cruelty-Free Fragrance Line // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

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  3. The Green Quote: Pamela Anderson Designs Cruelty-Free Fragrance Line Says:

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