Quantcast Vegetarian StarEcorazzi Dude Michael Parrish DuDell Says There’s A New Veganism

Ecorazzi Dude Michael Parrish DuDell Says There’s A New Veganism

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 22nd, 2009 in Authors.




Experience Life Magazine is all about healthy living.

Smart folks like you know healthy living includes a vegetarian diet, and this month Experience Life has chosen to speak with two folks well known in the vegan world-Rory Freedman, author of the Skinny Bitch series, and Michael Parrish DuDell, senior editor at Ecorazzi.com, a green gossip website.

DuDell says there’s a new veganism taking place, one which doesn’t involve the stereotypical person the Gossip Girls Blair and Serena poked fun of on a episode.

“There is a new veganism,” said DuDell “The new vegan is not your typical patchouli-wearing, dreadlock-sporting hippie. There’s even vegan fashion from designers like Stella McCartney.”

“Now you can walk into some of the best restaurants and tell them you’re a vegan, and they’ll prepare a great vegan meal for you.”

You can read the rest of what Michael has to say at Experiencelifemag.com.

There’re definitely more options for vegans than there were a decade ago. But is it really that easy to get a great vegan meal prepared? And do most people still stereotype vegans as non deodorant wearing college students who camp out on the adminstration lawn?

What do you guys think of Michael’s statement? Chime in and let everybody know.

via Ecorazzi.com

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One Response to “Ecorazzi Dude Michael Parrish DuDell Says There’s A New Veganism”

  1. Natasha Says:

    I’m gonna have to diagree with him.
    I think the world has a looong way to go still. I think people can’t really go to most non veggie restaurants and get a great vegan meal prepared . It’s either salad or some kind of pasta. Most people still sterotype vegans . People are too closeminded. I doubt it will ever change sadly.