Quantcast Vegetarian StarRush Limbaugh Humane Society PSA Professes Love For Cat Punkin

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When you think of animal rights, the conservative right isn’t the first group that comes to mind.

Rush Limbaugh (yes, that’s not a typo) has recorded a PSA for the Humane Society of the United States.

After the initial shock is over that conservative Rush would be involved with what some of his followers would call an “extreme left group,” here’s something else for you digest: Rush loves his little Punkin!

“When you think of law enforcement and animals, police dogs come to mind,” Rush says. “But law enforcement has another ally in the animal realm and that’s the Humane Society of the United States.”

“I have a cat. That little cat is a treasure to me-Punkin. If anybody harmed Punkin, they would be punished by me.”

Go, Rush. Get em’!

The Humane Society issued a statement saying, “The animal protection movement should never confine itself to the Left or the Right in American politics. Opposition to cruelty and the embrace of the human-animal bond are universal values, and people of every background and point of view should find common purpose with the work and programs of The Humane Society of the United States and its affiliates.”

Yes, we are coming together after all. Listen to Rush’s PSA below.

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9 Responses to “Rush Limbaugh Humane Society PSA Professes Love For Cat Punkin”

  1. Erin Says:

    How cute. I think I’ll be a very, very small Rush fan for this. But only a little.

  2. JT Says:

    I wonder how his right wing fans will take this, though. Will they get psycho like they did with Carrie Underwood. Or will they passively start to like the HSUS now that their cult leader is praising it.

    If he pulls some of the nutjobs to the animal welfare side, this could be the biggest change in history 2nd only to the US’s first black president.

  3. Linda Says:

    Now, this is really exciting! I’m a liberal and I’m proud of Rush!

  4. Lynn Says:

    JT naively asks how Rush’s right wing fans will take this announcement, assuming as asses do that right wingers hate animals. No you doofus, we only hate useful idiots like you. We love our kitties. My conservative kitties Petey and Elmer send you double hisses!

    If you were better informed you would already know a lot about Punkin. Rush talks about her often. There are many other things you don’t know about Rush Limbaugh or conservatives and never will because you’re stuck in your little leftie rut with your eyes scrunched up tight and your fingers in your ears.

    Such ignorance is appalling.

  5. Debbie Says:

    Lynn, I agree that JT was a little nasty about it.

    I’m liberal, but I would never phrase anything that rudely.

    I’m thankful for what Rush has done with the Humane Society and hope he will continue to campaign for them.

    We really do need to unite on every humane issue instead of bickering and snickering.

    I’m glad to see comments from all parts of the political spectrum and I bet your conservative kitties are adorable!

    Take care,

  6. Cara Says:

    Agree with Debbie. With so much animal cruelty out there, this is not the time to be nasty about politics. Everyone should be happy such a famous and powerful voice like Rush is speaking up for the animals.

  7. Jake Says:

    Nice job, Rush!

  8. Karen Says:

    Well Lynn, Looks like you’re the ignorant one. Seems some of Rush’s listeners are mad at him for his stance on being kind to animals. Empathy isn’t really the right-wing way.


  9. Publius Says:

    Yeah, cozy up to Rush. He won’t give you fools a humiliating public hosing down. Right, just trust him to do you gently and lovingly. You should be running away from that obnoxious shill, screaming as if your hair was on fire. Fools.