Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson’s Strip Club Launch Too Meaty For Veg Gentlemen

Richie Rich - Backstage - Fall 09 MBFW

Pamela Anderson, usually one of the best true to their word veg Hollywood stars, occasionally has her flip ups.

Like when she didn’t know KFC, a company she frequently speaks out against, helped sponsor her Girl On the Loose show in Australia.

Or launching a strip club in a steakhouse.

Yes, the vegan Pamela Anderson has joined forces with Audrina Patridge and Samantha Ronson to launch the opening of  Sapphire New York, a Gentleman’s club, which is part of the Prime 333 Steakhouse on the upper East side of New York city.

Other guests on the attendee list include Sopranos cast members Vincent Curatola and Steve Schirripa. 

A strip club steakhouse? Really, Pamela, couldn’t you have found a better venue to attend a launch? How about an all natural juice strip club? Tutti fruity for booty?

Along with serving up blond and brunette meat (just had to say that), the club will feature several fillets and wines.

via Foxnews.com via Deceiver.com

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5 Responses to “Pamela Anderson’s Strip Club Launch Too Meaty For Veg Gentlemen”

  1. Natasha Says:

    How disappointing.

    She’s vegan? I thought she was veggie?

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » PETA Defends Steakhouse Strippin’ Pamela Anderson Says:

    […] veg gal Pamela Anderson recently agreed to launch the opening of a strip club. A strip club located in a […]

  3. Pamela Anderson Wants Foie Gras Off Menu Where Veggie Ad Debuted Says:

    […] it’s not being the vegetarian who opens a strip club that serves steaks, it’s promoting vegetarianism in a restaurant that serves foie […]

  4. omnia vanitas Says:

    Pamela Anderson is an asshole and PETA is an asshole, I’m not surprised. IN any case they’re both hypocrites. Those plastic breasts she has were tested on animals too. She obviously doesn’t give a shit. It’s always been not only degrading to women, but a joke to have the likes of her front an animal rights campaign. 😛

  5. omnia vanitas Says:

    (that was *supposed* to be a “disgusted” face.)