Quantcast Vegetarian StarGeorge Harrison’s Hollywood Walk Of Fame Star Celebrated With Vegan Meal

George Harrison Honored On The Hollywood Walk Of Fame

The late ex Beatle and vegetarian George Harrison has finally received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Although The Beatles share a star, only Harrison and John Lennon of the group have their own.

After the ceremony, several friends and family including Harrison’s widow and son, Olivia and Dhani, Ed Begley Jr., Paul McCartney and girlfriend Nancy Shevell, enjoyed a vegan meal in Capital Records’ Studio A.

Harrison was once quoted as saying, “The thing that repelled me about eating meat was the idea of killing animals. But the main issue is that it’s not healthy and not natural.”

via newsnine.msn.au.com

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3 Responses to “George Harrison’s Hollywood Walk Of Fame Star Celebrated With Vegan Meal”

  1. Chuck E. No-Cheese Says:

    Cool! The quiet, yet probably most talented Beatle finally gets his due.

  2. Natasha Says:

    Awesome! The quiet ones are always the most interesting!

  3. Frances Says:

    What good is it to be vegan if you’re going to kill yourself smoking like a train?